Wednesday 18 March 2009

Filming Process, Day 1

Tuesday 18th March 2009
This was our official first day of filming. Before shooting any scenes we all met up at 9am and discussed our storyboards, planning how we were going to come about shooting these difficult angled shots.

After going through everything and the end of discussions, we were ready to begin filming. Preparation was done and props were placed in their positions setting the scene of our thriller "number 24". The main reason why our group worked so well was due to everyone knowing what they had to do, working together and everyone was assigned to a specific role ranging from make up artist to director to prop manager to assistant, we all had a job to do.

Am glad to say that our group worked really well together , everyone was willing to do what they were assigned and everyone put in a lot of effort. Throughout the day most members of the group had a turn in filming (Me, Elena.C, Thegla and Natalie.M) the different shots.
Additionally for every shot we took a number of them to enable us to have a variety to choose from, when we begin editing. This will mean we will have a range of shots from different angles giving us the best possible outcomes and effects. Although it was a long and tiring day reflecting back it was an overall success. The group managed to film most of our opening, meaning now we only have to shot the establishing shot which we will be filming on Friday 20th half 6 - +.

Soon pictures will be uploaded of the long , eventful day which will be posted on our group blog.
Our future plans include filming on Friday 20th. On this day we will be filming the establishing shots and aim this to be our last day of filming. We will need to ensure we plan carefully taking into account continuity and other important aspects. Further skills that need to be developed include the steps when filming although this was not our first day using the cameras it was still difficult to get the shots that we wanted to create, however we did do very well taking into account our small surroundings in which we filmed these scenes. An overall success, well done to our group.

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