Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Editing Process

Day 1
Today we decided to separate the group into two, this was done to enable us to get more work done in a small space of time as the deadline date approaches closer and closer! Half of the group: Me, Anna and Thegla were assigned to the role of editing our footage whilst the other half: Elena.C, Natalie.M and Natalie N seeked out music that would fit our thriller opening. The aim for the group was to look through the whole of our thriller and to begin editing. Before going our separate ways to our assigned tasks, we sat down as a whole group to look through and pick out the shots that we wanted to use. This took longer than expected, taking up a lot of time going through the MANY shots we took making these tough decisions.

Our ideal goal was to have nearly the whole clip edited and ready to add additional factors including sound effects. However once we had begun to look at our clip closely we immediately noticed some faults in the way we had shot a number of the scenes and there were many continuity errors present. This had an effect of the way our work was being perceived. As we want to be able to achieve the best of our potentials we have decided that to aim for the higher more "professional" look we are going to have to re-film these shots. Overall we think that this is the wisest choice for all reasons stated above.
Although things didn't go to plan we were still able to cut and edit the scenes that we did shot well and there is the saying "it could have been worse". The good thing is that the scene that we will be re-shooting is the easier less time consuming and due to our successful pieces of work most of the footage is usable. We are intending to fix these mistakes during the Easter break, were we will have enough time to mend them.

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