Friday 10 April 2009

The Editing process

Day 2
Again the group split into two in order for more work to be processed. As we uploaded all of the software onto the computer yet again, including the new footage we felt we needed a little more added touch to make the clip complete. Therefore we decided to shot a quick yet which would be effective scene. We shot our idea of the male dangerous character sharpening knives which would ultimately add an extra piece of suspense. This didn't take us too long as it was only a few shots that we felt confidently about shooting.
After these shots were taken we returned to the computer to carry on with the editing final process. After a good few hours we managed to edit the whole clip and add the tension music which we purchased from the audio website (audio.lgfl). Although we originally planned only to use one or two pieces of music we ended up using it nearly throughout the whole 2/3minute clip. However we felt that this worked really well in adding to the uneasy feeling we wanted the audience to experience.
Overall the whole groups is happy and proud with the outcome we have achieved, we have all worked really hard putting in the right amount of effort we needed to pursue our goal.

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